The Importance of Implementing an Effective Team Building Program in Your Company or Organization

The Importance of Implementing an Effective Team Building Program in Your Company or Organization

Imagine what your workplace would be like if everyone got along and worked well together. There’s nothing you couldn’t do, and you’d be more productive and profitable.

The importance of team building cannot be overstated because it’s such an integral part of a well-functioning workplace. Yet, most companies and organizations have no clue how to bring their people together. The standard teamwork model is to order a group of employees to tackle a task or project of some kind and then leave them to fend for themselves with no guidance or support. Inevitably, the group participants go to their default behaviors: the loudest people talk the most, the quieter ones hang back—everyone plays the role they always have.

Our conventional, ad hoc, chaotic, reactive, haphazard approach to putting teams together leads to predictable results: people get a few things done with a lot of unnecessary conflict and pain. What if there was a way to help people collaborate more easily and with better results? That’s where team building comes in. When you help people learn concrete behaviors that help them work together more effectively, it opens the door to much better outcomes. You can start using team building to your advantage by doing things like:

  • Teaching everyone, starting with leadership, vital skills to work well in teams.
  • Showing people how to communicate effectively.
  • Helping individuals connect on a deeper level.
  • Facilitating activities that increase empathy.
  • Providing guidance to eliminate power differentials.
  • Supporting everyone as they learn new skills.

Think about how much better your workplace would function if everyone knew how to do these things. You’d all get more done with less effort and hassles. Sadly, this type of knowledge is rare in our workplaces, the norm is to do the opposite.

I had a client tell me about the shift in thinking that occurred in his company when they got serious about team building. He said that his staff went from being at each other’s throats and having their egos hurt to being able to talk about difficult things and arrive at mutually beneficial and desirable conclusions. He was excited about seeing his employees dealing with even the most challenging situations with confidence and competence. Former emergencies were now easy to handle.

Team building is so important because it generates many benefits, including:

  • Increased productivity and profits.
  • Better employee engagement.
  • More creativity.
  • Improved communication.
  • Less conflict.
  • Greater cohesiveness.
  • Eliminating power differentials.
  • Improved morale and motivation.
  • Everyone feeling included and valued.
  • Increased employee retention and reduced turnover.
  • People having decision-making ability.
  • A happier workplace.

It’s not difficult to bring your people together, it just requires commitment and putting an ongoing program in place that teaches everyone how to collaborate effectively.

If you’ve every worked for a company or organization that values team building, you know how great it feels: people interact positively and respectfully and support each other—they don’t get held back by petty, time-and-energy-wasting obstacles like egos and control issues.

You have the power at this very moment to implement a thriving team building program in your workplace that will help you and your staff achieve much higher levels of success. All you need to do is decide to make it happen. Cheers, Guy.

Bring Your People Together and Create a Thriving Culture of Team Building with My Advanced Team Building Program
Advanced Team Building